Easiest Way to Make Perfect Simple pasta jallop

Simple pasta jallop.

Simple pasta jallop You can have Simple pasta jallop using 7 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Simple pasta jallop

  1. You need of Pasta.
  2. It's of Beef meet.
  3. Prepare of Bonnet.
  4. It's of Onion.
  5. Prepare of Seasoning.
  6. You need of Spice.
  7. Prepare of Curry.

Simple pasta jallop step by step

  1. Dafarko xaki soya jajjagenki a mai idan yadan tsorata saiki tsaida ruwa kixuba duk kayan dandanonki saiki rufe Idan yatafasa saiki xuba macaroni kijuya saiki xuba kayan qamshi da nama da albasa tana dahuwa kisauke.


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